Our Lady and Van

Motherly love

Maternal love

From his earliest years, Van’s pious mother nurtured in him a very fervent devotion to Our Lady and, even as an infant, he insisted on being allowed to assist at the family rosary. Throughout the vicissitudes and trials of his life he always had recourse to his “true mother” as he frequently called Our Lady. ( This did not diminish his love for his natural mother whom Van regarded as a saint.) The rosary was his most precious companion and he was constant in encouraging others to pray to Mary.

When dying on the Cross, Jesus entrusted us to the care of his blessed Mother, and we should learn to run to this mother with humility and confidence as she, more than anyone else, has the ear of her son. 

As we gaze at the statue of our Lady of Lourdes let us pray, confidently:

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death.  Amen.
Remember O most blessed Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your aid or sought your intercession, was left unaided. Filled, therefore, with confidence in your goodness, I fly to you, Virgin of virgins, my mother. To you I come,, before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petition, but in your mercy hear and answer me.  Amen.

Prayer to the Blessed Trinity. 

Father of mercy, God of consolation,
 Look on your people, gathered here to praise you,
 Pity our weakness, come in power to aid us,
 Source of all blessing.
 Son of the Father, Lord of all creation,
 Come as our Saviour, Jesus, friend of sinners,
 Grant us forgiveness, lift our downcast spirit,
 Heal us and save us.
 Life-giving Spirit, be our light in darkness,
 Come to befriend us, help us bear our burdens,
 Give us true courage, breathe your peace around us,
 Stay with us always.
 God in Three Persons, Father, Son and Spirit,
 Come to renew us, fill your Church with glory,
 Grant us your healing, pledge of resurrection,
 Foretaste of heaven.   

Prayer of Intercession for the beatification of Brother Marcel Van.

Father, infinitely good,
 you have given to Van the mission of ” changing suffering into joy”. Spurred on by the examples of the saints and fortified by the maternal kindness of the Virgin Mary, he gave himself over totally to your Love.
O Jesus,
Give us the grace in following Van’s example, to walk in your wake,  always joyful through love, on the path of offering and simplicity, with an unshakeable confidence in your Love.
Holy Spirit,
drawn by Van’s weakness, you have inflamed him with Love.Grant that the Church, we beg you, may one day proclaim his sanctity and grant us the grace we ask of you ………… through his intercession.  Amen.

Evening Prayer.

 May the Lord support us all the day long,
till the shades lengthen and the evening comes,
and the busy world is hushed,
and our work is done.
then in his mercy
may he give us a safe lodging,
and a holy rest,
and peace at the last. Amen.                                      
Blessed John Henry Newman